Our Children and our Schools need you!
St Francis and St Clare Catholic Multi Academy Company (MAC) has 12 Catholic schools across Wolverhampton and Staffordshire. We need practising Catholics who are willing to become Foundation Governors to help us run our schools to ensure all of our children and young people have the best education possible.
People become Governors for a variety of reasons: interest in education and Catholic schools, being part of the school/parish community, wanting to give something back, you have a particular skill to offer (finance, HR), a parent who wants to be involved in their own children’s school.
Governors are volunteers and being a Governor may also help you develop your own skills – governing can be very interesting and you will receive induction and then ongoing training.
Whatever sparks your interest – we are keen to hear from you, what skills you might bring to us, and how we can help you develop your own skills.
Our schools are very diverse – we have children with their origins from many different countries- so we are keen to have Governing bodies that represent our diverse schools. And younger governors too!! All are welcome!!
Could you be one of our governors ? We would love to speak to you and tell you about our schools and how you can help us- and we can help you – you might learn skills, and do things you might not expect!!
Please fill in the form below and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
If you want to read a bit more about us first, please see information about our Governance including the Directors who delegate running the School to a group of Local Governors. The number and type of Governors is set out here. Both the school and the MAC are responsible to the Archbishop for how the school is run as a Catholic school.